The UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum is an annual event for all those with a passion for ensuring that knowledge makes a positive difference to society. The Forum brings together practitioners, researchers, students, administrators and public representatives who are engaged in the art and science of sharing knowledge and ensuring that it can be used.

We are excited to share our full programme for our first ever online Forum with you. An outline is shown below and a copy of the detailed programme (including abstracts) can be downloaded below. 

To keep our small friendly feel, we have built-in opportunity for online
networking. All our structured sessions are interactive, so be prepared to join in. We will also be setting up a WhatsApp Group for our attendees to chat, a randomised coffee trial for one to one conversation and two drop in
for coffee and chat afternoon sessions. We don’t plan to record anything, as the ethos of the forum is about participation and interaction.

Monday 22nd March 

  • 11.30am-2pm Welcome to the Forum & Keynote speaker (Zoom)
    • 11.30am-12pm Registration 
    • 12pm Welcome to the Forum
    • 12.30pm Keynote speaker: Annette Boaz
  • 2pm onwards Interactive poster viewing (Google Drive)
    • Posters available for viewing until 11am on Tuesday on Google Drive. During this time please leave comments, observations and questions for each poster contributor using the add comment function

Tuesday 23rd March 

  • 12-2pm Interactive poster plenary (Zoom)
    • 12pm Plenary discussion with poster contributors responding to comments and questions
  • 3.30-4.30pm Time for tea & chat (Zoom)

Wednesday 24th March 

  • 12-2pm Workshops (Zoom)
    • Each workshop will run twice giving you an opportunity to attend two workshops. Spaces are limited and you will be required to sign up in advance
    • 12-1pm Parallel workshops
    • 1pm-2pm Parallel workshops

Thursday 25th March 

  • 12-2pm Knowledge fayres (Zoom)
    • 12pm -2pm Stall holders will rotate around small groups/breakout rooms sharing their knowledge mobilisation ‘wares’ (examples and information about their knowledge mobilisation work). Stall holders will spend up to 20 minutes with each group
  • 3.30-4.30pm Time for tea & chat (Zoom)

Friday 26th March 

  • 12-2pm Keynote speaker & closing reflections (Zoom)
    • 12pm Keynote speaker: Ian Rodwell
    • 1.30pm Closing reflections